How to Setup a Manual Speed Selector Switch for a VSD

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VSD Speed Setpoints Setup (Selector Switch)

In some instances it might be required to have various predefined speed selections for a drive using a manual Position Selector (Multi-Step) Switch. This can be achieved by using an external Position Selector (Multi-Step) Switch connected to the drive’s Multi-Function Terminals and programming the Multi-Function References accordingly.

Consider a scenario using a 3-stage switch as per the example below, where the switch selections should reflect speeds of 50% (25Hz), 70% (35Hz) and 100% (50Hz) of the Max speed (50Hz). To achieve this the switch needs to be connected to the Digital Input Terminals of the Drive. Since the Switch selection Option 0 (K2) is always off (only K1 and K2 switches On/Off), only Option 1 (K1) and Option 2 (K2) needs to be connected. In the example below K1 is connected to DI3 and K2 connected to DI4 (thus requiring setting parameters b3-02 and b3-03 accordingly). Based on the Switch Options table below these options thus reflect Multi-Function References 1, 0 and 2 in the below table (thus requiring setting parameters C1-01, C1-00 and C1-02 as a percentage of b0-13). To ensure the Drive acknowledges this setup as the Speed Reference Point for the Drive, also set b0-03 = 6 (Multi-Function). In summary, the following parameters needs to be set:

  • b0-03 = 6 (To set Speed Reference as the Multi-Functions)
  • b3-02 = 6 (To set DI3 Terminal as Multi-Function Terminal 1)
  • b3-03 = 7 (To set DI4 Terminal as Multi-Function Terminal 2)
  • C1-01 = User Defined Value (to set Reference 1 speed value as a percentage of b0-13)
  • C1-00 = User Defined Value (to set Reference 0 speed value as a percentage of b0-13)
  • C1-02 = User Defined Value (to set Reference 2 speed value as a percentage of b0-13)
  • b0-13 = User Defined Value (max speed default = 50Hz)

3 Speed Selection Switch Setup

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