How to Setup External Switches to control VSD Command Source Selection

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VSD Command Source Selection (Selector Switch)

VSDs can be set up to use 3 different Command Sources by setting Parameter b0-02:

  • 0 = Keypad / Operation Panel Control (LED on Keypad will be OFF)
  • 1 = Terminal Control (LED on Keypad will be ON)
  • 2 = Communication Control (LED on Keypad will BLINK)


Other than changing this using the b0-02 parameter, this can also be changed by connecting switches to the Digital Input Terminals (DI1 to DI5). The selected Digital input/s can then be programmed to use the following 2 functions to change the control mode:

  • Function 18 = Terminal 1 for Command Source Switchover -> If the Command Source is set to Terminal Control (b0-02 = 1), this terminal is used to perform switchover between Terminal Control and Keypad / Operation Panel control. If the Command Source is set to Communication Control (b0-02 = 2), this terminal is used to perform switchover between Communication Control and Keypad / Operation Panel control.
  • Function 19 = Terminal 2 for Command Source Switchover -> Used to perform switchover between Terminal Control and Communication Control. If the Command Source is Terminal Control, the system will switch over to Communication Control after this terminal becomes ON.


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