VSD Autotuning
To autotune a VSD for a specific motor:
- First make sure that all Motor Parameters has been set (d0-00 up to d0-04) then:
- Set d0-30 = 3 and press ENTER
- Press RUN to start the autotuning process.
The VSD and Motor will go through a short working process and stop by itself, after which the d0-05 up to d0-09 parameters would have been optimised.
d0-05: Stator resistance (asynchronous motor)
d0-06: Rotor resistance (asynchronous motor)
d0-07: Leakage inductive reactance (asynchronous motor)
d0-08: Mutual inductive reactance (asynchronous motor)
d0-09: No-load current (asynchronous motor)
PLEASE NOTE: Autotuning cannot be done when the drive is in Terminal Control or Remote Control Mode (needs to be in keypad Control mode: b0-02=0). After setting the Autotune Parameter the keypad will display “TUNE”, when this is displayed press the RUN button and let the drive complete the autotuning process (~30 seconds) after which the drive can be used.
*When using a single VSD to run more than one motor, do not perform autotuning.