Understanding Soft Starter Protection Levels

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Soft Starter Protection Levels

The GW Series Soft Starters offers various protection functions to protect the Soft Starter as well as the Motor.

Please choose the correct Protection Class (Set parameter FA) based on the application conditions and set the Motor Rated Current (Set parameter FP) value according to the motor nameplate rated current (the FP value should not be less than 20% of Soft Starter rated current, otherwise the overheat protection will be insufficient).

Protection Classes (Parameter FA)

The EM-GW series Soft Starter offers five Protection Classes (based on different usage conditions) as follows:

  1. Primary Protection (BASIC Protection)
  2. Light-load Protection (LIGHT LOAD Protection)
  3. Standard Protection (GENERAL LOAD Protection)
  4. Heavy-load Protection (HEAVY DUTY LOAD Protection)
  5. The superior Protection (SUPERIOR Protection)

Please Note:

  • The primary protection class only includes protection functions for overheating, short circuit, phase protection and prohibit the external instantaneous stop terminal (typically for applications/conditions where urgent start-up is required, such as for a fire pump).
  • The protections classes for light loads, standard loads and heavy loads all have the same protection functions. The difference between these relates to the protection level for overload and over current (See diagram 6.1 – protection classes and the time of heat protection).
  • The superior protection class currently performs the same function as the standard load protection class.

Based on this selection the Soft Starter will offer Protection Functions (14 functions) as illustrated in the following 2 tables and graph:

Soft Starter Protection

Please Note:

  • Protection Function 2 (overheat): When the Soft Starter internal temperature reaches 80°C ± 5°C, the Soft Starter over-heat protection will be initiated and will reset again when the Soft Starter internal temperature drops to 55°
  • Protection Function 4 (input phase loss): Delay time is < 3s.
  • Protection Function 5 (Output less-phase protection): Delay time is < 3s (will result in same Error as for Protection Function 4).
  • Protection Function 6 (unbalanced 3-phase): Delay time is < 3 (protection is initiated when the difference of current among the three phrases is more than 50% ± 10%).
  • Protection Function 7 (starting over-current): Protection is initiated if current is 5 times that of the F6 set rated current – see IEC Curve (will result in same Error as for Protection Function 3).
  • Protection Function 8 (running over-load): The Soft Starter will initiate thermal protection based on the set max current of the Soft Starter(F6) – see IEC Curve.
  • Protection Function 9 (low voltage): When the power supply voltage is less than 40%, the protection delay time is < 0.5s, and when the power supply voltage is less than 80%, the protection delay time is < 3s.
  • Protection Function 10 (over-voltage): When the power supply voltage is more than 140%, the protection delay time is < 0.5s and when the power supply voltage is more than 120%, the protection delay time is < 3s.
  • Protection Function 12 (load short-circuit): Delay time is < 0.1s (will result in tripping the power supply / breakers).
  • Protection Function 13 (auto restart / incorrect Wiring): This feature has been demoted.


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