Drive Dimensions
PLEASE NOTE: Please see Drive Derating Specifications, VSD Sizing/Selection and Solar Drive Sizing/Selection for appropriate power selection, Cooling/Panel Fan Selection to ensure adequate ventilation as well as Drive Wiring and MCCB/Contactor Selection.
Please see the below images listing the dimensions (in mm) for the various Drives according to model and size:
- In some instances Small Frame units can also be manufactured as Medium Frame units – please confirm correct frame size.
- Pricing for Large Wall Mounted and Large Floor Standing units vary (Floor Standing Units are more expensive). Standard pricing is for Large Wall Mounted units, if Large Floor Standing units are required, please specifically request as such.
- Images indicate Double Line Display Keypads, for Solar Drives the Keypads only include a Single Line Display.
Installation Direction and Spacing
In order to protect the service life of Drives and reduce impact on performance, please ensure correct installation direction and spacing as follows:
- Install the Drive vertically to dissipate heat upwards. If several Drives are installed in one cabinet, please install them side by side, do not to install above each other.
- Images indicate Double Line Display Keypads, for Solar Drives the Keypads only include a Single Line Display.
- When installing Peripherals (Chokes/Reactors, SineWave Filters or EMC/EMI Filters), also use same spacing requirements as above for the peripherals (Please also see Peripherals Dimensions and Spacing Requirements and Peripherals Wiring).
External Keypad Tray Installation
Drive keypads can be removed and installed into panel doors as illustrated below:
- Small Keypads (Small Frame Drives) allows for Ribbon Extension Cables only and the keypad can be installed directly into a panel door (additional Keypad Frame not required).
- Large Keypads (Medium and Large Frame Drives) allows for Ribbon and Ethernet Extension Cables and the keypad has to be fitted using a separate Keypad Frame installed into the panel door.
- Images indicate Double Line Display Keypads, for Solar Drives the Keypads only include a Single Line Display.
- Small Frame Drives have less Terminals on the Control Board allowing for less Digital/Analog/Relay Inputs/Outputs. For applications where more terminals are required, Medium Frame units are required, please specifically request as such.
- Small Frame Solar Drives do not allow for Solar Assist Mode (using both PV and AC Power supply simultaneously) since the Small Frame Units do not have a P- terminal. For applications where Solar Assist Mode (see Understanding Solar Assist Mode) is required, Medium Frame units are required, please specifically request as such.