How to Setup an External Potentiometer for FWD/REV and Speed Control for a VSD

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VSD External Potentiometer FWD/REV and Speed Control Setup

Instead of using the Potentiometer on the drive Keypad, an external Potentiometer can also be used for FWD/REV direction and speed control (which can then be installed at an alternate location). This can be done by connecting the External Potentiometer to the Drive Control Terminals as follows (for a 3-Wire Potentiometer):

  • Connect the Power Pins of the Potentiometer (usually the outside 2 connection points) to the +10V and GND terminals on the Drive (Swop connections for Clockwise vs Anti-Clockwise Operation).
  • Connect the Output/Signal Pin of the Potentiometer to AI1 (usually the centre connection point). Please note that the AI1 jumper on the control board needs to be set to use 0~10V (which is the default). When using AI2 or AI3 the jumper needs to be set accordingly (Please use shielded cable to prevent electromagnetic interference by other appliances on the analog signal sent to the VSD).


To set the Drive for Terminal Control (Start/Stop/Speed Control via Potentiometer):

  • b0-02 = 1 (Command Source Selection = Terminal Control)
  • b3-00 = 0 (DI1 = No Function -> This allows for VDI1 to bet set = 1)
  • b7-00 = 1 (VDI1 function set as RUNNING Command)

To set the Drive to use the Potentiometer connected to AI1 as speed reference:

  • b0-03 = 2 (Main Frequency Source = AI1)


Since the Potentiometer will be used for Forward and Reverse control as well as to STOP the drive, a 4-point curve (to ensure linear acceleration and deceleration) and Voltage Limit Protection setup is advised.

  • To set the 4-Point Curve and STOP criteria:
    • b5-44 = H.324 (AI Curve Selection = last digit is for AI1 Curve = 4 -> Curve 4: 4-Point)
    • b7-11 = 34 (VDO1 function set = AI1 Input Exceeding Limitation -> will initiate STOP in case of AI1 output failing b5-05 or b5-06 limits)
    • b5-05 = 4.50V (AI1 Input Voltage Lower Limit of Protection)
    • b5-06 = 5.50V (AI1 Input Voltage Upper Limit of Protection)

–>  These two parameters (b5-05 / b5-06) prevents operation and will STOP the drive in the voltage range of 4.5 to 5.5 V.

  • To set the linear acceleration/deceleration curves:
    • b5-24 = 4.50V (AI Curve 4 Inflection Point 1 Input)
    • b5-25 = 0.0% (Corresponding Setting of AI curve 4 inflection point 1 Input) -> % of Max Hz
    • b5-26 = 5.50V (AI Curve 4 Inflection Point 2 Input)
    • b5-27 = 0.0% (Corresponding Setting of AI curve 4 inflection point 2 Input) -> % of Max Hz
  • To set the FWD and REV speed (frequency) limits:
    • b5-23 = -100.0% (Corresponding Setting of AI1 Curve 4 Minimum Input) – to allow the speed to go to 50Hz in Reverse direction (% of Max Hz)
    • b5-29 = 100.0% (Corresponding Setting of AI1 Curve 4 Maximum Input) – to allow the speed to go to 50Hz in Forward direction (% of Max Hz)


Since we are using the 10V input, leave the following parameters as per their default values:

  • b5-22 = 0.00V (AI Curve 4 Minimum Input)
  • b5-28 =10.00V (AI Curve 4 Maximum Input)


It is also possible to use a 2-Point curve (especially if the range for the STOP criteria is negligibly small). In such a scenario, the following parameter settings would apply:

  • b5-44 = H.321 (Curve 1: 2-Point)
  • b5-07 = 0.00V (AI1 input Minimum Value)
  • b5-08 = -100.0% (Corresponding setting of AI1 minimum input value)
  • b5-09 = 10.00V (AI1 input Maximum Value)
  • b5-10 = 100.0% (Corresponding setting of AI1 maximum input value)

Potentiometer FWD and REV

*Please Note:

  • Swopping the Voltage and Ground wires on the Potentiometer will change the Acceleration/Deceleration direction (Clockwise vs Anti-Clockwise).
  • Only use Potentiometers with a resistance range of 1 kΩ~5kΩ.
  • Please use shielded cable to prevent electromagnetic interference by other appliances on the analog signal sent to the VSD. For EMC Mitigation: 1) Allow for at least 20cm distance between communication cables and motor wires. 2) Do not use the same cable tray. 3) Insert wires in metal pipes if possible.


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